Imagination Creations has been hired to rebrand Akiva School starting with a new logo. Akiva School is looking to modernize their image with a new visual identity including a new logo, letterhead and business cards amongst other elements. We have been commissioned with the task of designing a brand identity that combines the educational values of the school with their Jewish heritage while portraying a fresh and clean look. [nggallery id=4 columns="4"]
I just returned from the 2011 March of the Living as the trip videographer for the Montreal delegation. This years trip included over 260 students from Montreal, and was as heartfelt and emotional as ever. Please watch the videos below to get a better understanding of what the trip had to offer.
Imagination Creations is very proud to have been hired to handle all filming and editing for the 2010 Montreal March of the Living. The March of the Living is a 2-week international trip where thousands of students and adults spend a week in Poland and a week in Israel.
They learn about and visit many of the death camps that saw the slaughter of 6,000,000 Jewish people and countless others during World War 2.
Imagination Creations was hired by the Bronfman Israel Experience Centre in Montreal. The requirements of this project included filming all facets of the trip including interviewing many students that found themselves in a very fragile state given the subject matter of the trip.
The project in the end was a great success. 250 copies of the 2.5+ hour DVD were given out at a launch party to a very eager crowd of students, parents and staff.
Here is one clip that has been viewed by over 3800 people online.
Near the end of 2009, Imagination Creations founder, Ari Grunzeweig, was approached by the Beth Zion Congregation to give their newsletter an extreme makeover. This 16-24 page newsletter is published 4 times a year and reaches 500 homes across Montreal. The bold new design as well as the content updates we have chosen to implement have been very well received. We just sent our fifth issue to print! [nggallery id=2 columns="4"]
Radialpoint Newspaper Ads
February 2011
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Imagination Creations was hired by the Radialpoint marketing team to create two newspaper ads. The first was a banner that ran in the Montreal Gazette, while the second was a full page spread that ran across Canada in the National Post. Radialpoint has been recognized as one of both Montreal and Canada's top employers and they have been featured in Canada's newspapers as such. They commissioned us to create these ads to showcase them as a leading company in the North American market. The ad in the National post ran on February 22nd 2011, while the ad in the Montreal Gazette ran on December 17th, 2010.
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