Were Here to Help Slider

Were Here to Help Slider


We're Here to Help

January 2014 [nicebutton href="http://imaginationcreations.com/archives/1696"]Read more[/nicebutton]

Silhouettes: Noah Bick

Silhouettes: Noah Bick


Silhouettes is a great new short biography series that features young local personalities. Imagination Creations was hired to film and edit the second episode featuring local music promoter, Noah Bick of Passovah Productions. We filmed on location at Chez Boris and Nouveau Palais to put together this video biography.

Shaar Videos

Shaar Videos


Congregation Shaar Hashomayim was interested in creating a series of video around the Jewish High Holy Days, featuring the members of their clergy.We shot in a few locations around town to produce some very charming short videos!

"..the new gold standard in clergy videos...".

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCuH1E7NOSU&list=TL5v7dVfjBpyw[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POrOl2M8CeU&list=TL5v7dVfjBpyw[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUd3ZB4LHA4&list=TL5v7dVfjBpyw[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idPUYGgukz8&list=TL5v7dVfjBpyw[/youtube]

Acharai: One Year Ago!

Acharai: One Year Ago!


It was 1 year ago this week that I embarked on an inspiring trip to South Africa and Israel with a group of 25 amazing students.  My role was to document their experience. This is the 2-minute introduction to the documentary!

No! I don't want to save to iCloud!

No! I don't want to save to iCloud!


Ever since Apple launched iCloud in 2011 along with Mac OSX Lion, I have been frustrated all my apple apps (Pages, Textedit, etc.) defaulting to save my files on iCloud rather than on my Macintosh HD. Those few extra clicks to get from the iCloud save location back to my internal hard drive wasted time in my workflow, and made me think that there must be a better way. Thanks to Rob Lefebvre at Cult of Mac I learned the secret to changing the default save location!

And it is simple!

1. Open Terminal by search for it in spotlight. 2. Cope and paste in the following command and hit enter.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

That's it! All your iCloud applicable apps will now display the traditional Macintosh HD as the default save location!

If for any reason you would like to switch back, simply open terminal again and paste the following code and hit enter.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool true

Thanks for reading!