Ari at Imagination Creations was hired by Eclipse Productions as the key editor for Prism's featurette on Sebastien Vettel, produced by Patrick Barth, as an Infinity car driver for the Montreal Grand Prix. The job involved, amongst other things, a 36-hour editing session in order to produce a video by the following morning using footage from 2 broadcast cameras, mounted on race cars and helicopters a Go-Pro mounted to the front of Sebastien Vettel's car and a series of interviews.
Working with very talented cameramen and a well-managed team of producers, the video turned out to be a huge winner... as was Mr. Vettel for the 2011 Formula 1 season.
F1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix from The Power of Sport Images on Vimeo.
Sebastian Vettel has some fun ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal.